Saturday 26 July 2008

[Photoshop] 1st Entry

The original picture:

After using Photoshop by adding some background, make cloud, brightening, using brush, text ... I think this one is easy to do and if you want to know how to do that, you can ask me right here ^^"

I think this one is easy to do and if you want to know how to do that, you can ask me here ^^"

Sunday 6 July 2008

Assignment 1: Choose Graphic Designer

From the list of Stephanie, I choose David Carson as the graphic designer I will analysis for assignment 1.

His homepage:

This entry I will update soon his 3 work.

Saturday 5 July 2008


The Secret Sex Life of Plants

Requirement: Use the material in this package to layout the following text, illustrating it with some pictures. Use typography, shapes, lines, etc. to illustrate two of the following concepts of gestalt:


Thursday 3 July 2008

Moon and Sun Symbol


This is my 1st assignment in class. It's about Moon and Sun symbol.

The idea is based on the solar eclipse that Sun is hided by Moon. I use Photoshop to make this picture.

Welcome to my blog :)


This is my blog for the Electronic Imaging & Design Course - COSC2284. I will update the blog for this whole semester as my digital visual diary. Thanks for all who dropping by my blog.
